ColorBug is a color-picker tool, which allows to determine colors and find matching colors. The large sample area allows to comfortably judge the selected colors. Select back- and foreground color to see if they match. Alter colors in the intuitive HSL system (Hue, Saturation, Luminance). Make snapshots from the desktop, and afterwards pick the colors from the zoomed display. Manage your own color palettes. Generate CSS gradients.
ColorBug can generate color gradients and export them to CSS, the CSS template can be customized. With the color step tool it is easy to calculate a number of colors between two given colors.
With its resizeable sample area, ColorBug can give an impression how a color will look as a background of a big area. You can adjust a text color to a given background color. User defined color palettes can be stored, and imported/exported to the GIMP (*.gpl), the Paint-Shop-Pro (*.PspPalette) and the Adobe-Swatch-Exchange (*.ase) format.
ColorBug is useful for designing websites, and can complete other graphics tools with an intuitive color dialog.
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